Gentle, Advanced Care to Thrive: Network Spinal Analysis
It’s a fact of lifewe’re going to experience stress. And while some amount of stress in our life is normal, our bodies can become bogged down with too much emotional, chemical or physical stress, which leads to dysfunction and unpleasant symptoms. Often, this deeply engrained stress and tension that we experience settles in our spinal column.
It’s Dr. Dove’s goal to uncover and identify those areas of stress deep within your spine and nervous system, and use advanced, gentle chiropractic adjustments to remove them.
Over the years, Dr. Dove has seen practice members reveal incredible results through Network Spinal Analysis, a chiropractic adjustment designed to use the gentlest touch to identify patterns of tension within the tissue near your spine that are often responsible for pulling it out of alignment.
In addition to NSA, we’re proud to offer focused Somato Respiratory Integration and more traditional chiropractic adjustment techniques, including manual Diversified adjustments, SOT, instrument-assisted adjustments, and more-it’s important to Dr. Dove that he has a large “toolbox” to pull from to craft the specific care that your body needs.